The birth of Miles

This birth was such a special birth to be able to be a part of, a privilege and honour. Not only was I am to be there for the birth of his older brother years back but his mama is also one of our local midwives.

Birth is like art. No two are the same. Each are special in their own way. And there is no wrong way to do it. Only your way.

When I got the call early that morning I’ll be honest I was a little surprised. Mama was only 38+1 weeks. This sweet little boy wasn’t due until February but he had other plans. Speedy ones I might add.

I picked up the phone a little after 6 am, “Hey Kayla, soooo my water broke around 4am and my contractions have really picked up. I think you should come now.”

I rolled out of bed and arrived at 7am to find mama labouring in her bed so peacefully. After trying to change change positions and trying to use the shower for pain relief it was clear this was transition.

It wasn’t long before her body took over completely and began to push all on its own. With each contraction bringing baby lower and lower.

Birth is all consuming. A transformative experience for all.

This birth had so many redemptive moments. Beautiful moments of strength and peace working in unity together.

This mama birthed so beautifully, guiding her baby into the palm of her hand. Reaching down she picked up her baby boy and snuggled him in close…

Miles was born at 7:59am on January 20th weighing 6lbs 15oz in the safety of his own home. It wasn’t long after he was born that we had a little birth party. The best kinds of friends are the ones who bring you breakfast in bed after you just had a baby. Welcome to the world Miles!

Are you interested in documenting your birth story? Let’s chat further.

***Please note all birth images are shared with permission.***


The birth of Olive


Amelia’s In Home Newborn Session